May 31, 2013

Information and Contacts for US Hwy 160 Reconstruction Project in Downtown Monte Vista

US 160 Monte Vista Fact Sheet

Monte Vista was one of four pilot communities in the 2010 Sustainable Main Streets Initiative. This initiative (established by former Governor Ritter) enabled the city to acquire funding and support from the Department of Local Affairs and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).

This CDOT project will provide concrete and asphalt reconstruction on US 160 through the City of Monte Vista from west of Chico Camino Street to east of the railroad tracks, as well as intersection improvements at US 160 and US 285. The work will upgrade the existing asphalt travel lanes, sidewalk, curb and gutter. The roadway, which is currently two lanes in each direction, will be restriped to include one travel lane in each direction, a center left-turn lane for both directions, bike lanes and parking lanes in each direction. Partnering on the project is the City of Monte Vista, which received a federal Transportation Alternatives Program grant for additional street-scaping features, such as lighting and planters.
Concrete Works of Colorado is the contractor for this $3.9 million contract.

The project will change the face of the downtown tremendously, enhancing the aesthetics, creating a better pedestrian and business-friendly environment by building the following:
• Dedicated center left turn lane on 1st Street
• Easily identified parking on 1st Street
• Expanded sidewalks
• A bike buffer zone
• Improved signalized intersections with added turn lanes
• “Bulb outs” incorporated at intersections for traffic calming and pedestrian safety
• Updated curb ramps for ADA compliance
Anticipated to begin June 2013. Targeting completion by late October 2013.
Working hours for this project will be Monday–Thursday (4 days per week) from 7 AM to 7 PM.
Work will start on the west end of the work zone, and move towards the east.
• Eastbound Road Work Month of June
• Eastbound Sidewalks Late June – Late July (2 days per block)
• Westbound Road Work Mid July – Mid August
• Westbound Sidewalks Mid August – Early September (2 days per block)


Those interested in receiving upcoming information about the project and the schedule are encouraged to sign up for email or text messages by going to Choose the green cell phone icon in the upper right corner, then after signing up, choose the project entitled “US 160 Monte Vista.”

Contact the Project Team:
US 160 Fact Sheet

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