They also offer baking supplies, from yeast and RealSalt™, to bread pans and bags.
The advantage of making bread with freshly ground flour is the improved nutritional value. Vitamins in the flour begin to oxidize soon after the flour is milled. Rhonda explains, “People don’t realize how easy it can be to make their own bread, and it is so much better for you. You do have an initial investment in the machines and grains, but it is well worth it for the return when you think of it as an investment in your health.”
To help people learn about the fun and ease of making their own bread, Rhonda offers bread making classes at their home southeast of Monte Vista. They have been giving basic whole wheat bread classes and next month will begin classes for artisan breads. The classes cost $10 and are 2 – 2 ½ hours in length. Everyone gets to play with the dough to get a good sense of what good dough should feel and look like, and get a feel of the different things you can do with basic bread dough. The schedule can be found on the Sonshine Acres website, and is posted at the Adams Street Emporium in Monte Vista and the Valley Food CoOp in Alamosa.
While living in Denver, the Glovers had been wanting to move to a smaller community. When Rob got the okay from his business to work from home, they felt like “this was the time” for the move. They have family in the San Luis Valley, so it was an easy next step to locate here. The Glovers have a friend in Denver with a similar grain business, so they had some experience with the products, as well as the concept for their company. They saw this business as an opportunity to start slowly and create a second income. Their business has been well received and people have been excited to have them here. Rob and Rhonda like the friendliness and support that they find in small town/rural living and look forward to being involved in the community. Rob met Donna Wehe from the SLV Small Business Development Center at a Kiwanis meeting. Deanne Elliott followed through with Rob and Rhonda as part of assisting and promoting new entrepreneurs in the Valley. The number for the SLV SBDC is 587-5151 or go to
The Glovers are looking to expand their business to a location in town. This would give their customers easier access to their products and classes, as well as giving better exposure to their business. For information or see their products, they can be reached by phone at 719-206-3062, email at They look forward to showing you their goods and starting and supporting you on the road to better eating.