The HUB: Computer Recycling, Technology Training, and More
The old Move Gallery location is in the final stages of remodeling and will become the home for a team of businesses and services. The Hub will have a soft opening on August 1st. The Hub is located across from Wal-Mart in the Cottonwood Business Complex at 3330 Clark St. in Alamosa.The Hub will have a state of the art conference and Training room, certification center, Internet Hot Spot, and computer parts, repair, and computer recycling center. The location will be open from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Mon. to Sat. “It is hard to describe how grateful we are to everybody that has helped us get this project off the ground. Without the help and support of SLV Builders we would never have gotten to this point,” said Roger Jackson, who started the HUB and the technology division Personalized IT. “We have many goals and dreams we are pursuing – we know that the San Luis Valley and many of its visitors will benefit from the services being offered at this location.”
The following is a brief description of some of the services that will be offered:
Computer Recycling: Individuals, businesses, schools, and anybody else can bring (or for a nominal fee request a pickup) their old computers and monitors to the HUB. If the systems are new enough they will be refurbished and resold to the community for $40, if they are not then they will be taken to a recycling facility that will properly dispose of them. Currently only Computers and Monitors can be taken but they have plans to expand.
Training & Testing Services: We are setting up a training room that will allow individuals to attend or host different types of training. Alberta Coolbaugh (recently retired ASC Professor) is working on curriculum to provide Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) certification preparation. In addition there are trainings being developed that will assist business with QuickBooks, Human Resource, and other managerial trainings. Trainings are also being developed for individuals and families to better understand technology, what its risks are, and how to be protected against identity theft, viruses, and online predators. Special training and certification requests are welcome by calling 719.937.4123.
Other Services: In addition there will technicians available to help repair, upgrade, and train on computers, cell phones, GPS, and other electronic devices.
Once again they would like to thank all those that have assisted in this project: SLV Builders, Dave’s Solar and Heating, Monte Vista and Sargent School Districts, Donna Wehe at the Small Business Development Center, and most importantly their families and friends.