November 17, 2010

Getting along with Difficult People

Workplace Strategies Luncheon - $15 - A light lunch is included

Locations: downtown Alamosa by Rainbows End in Hospice del Valle training room, 514 Main Street, Alamosa

Friday, December 17, 11:30-1:30 p.m.

Presenter is Liz Thomas, Adams State College Instructor
Have you found yourself struggling to get along with a co-worker? This workshop will give you strategies to deal with difficult people at your place of work. Please call Donna Wehe at 587-5151 to pre-register, or email

Start Your Own Business Workshop in Monte Vista

Business Startup Workshop - $10

Monte Vista Info Center

Wednesday, December 15, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Have you dreamed of becoming your own boss, but don’t know how to start?
This workshop will give you a good understanding of what you need to consider to start a profitable business.
Please RSVP to Donna Wehe at 719-587-5151 or