Lawrence Mondragon keeps on graduating!
He was the youngest academy graduate from the
Continental Auctioneer School. He has always been interested in auctioneering,
getting certified at the academy at age 14 in 2008, but was too young to sign auction
He was the youngest Leading
Edge (SBDC Business Seminar) graduate in 2009, and then graduated from Alamosa
High School in 2011. In 2013 he was professionally trained in the aspects of
the auctioneer business including online auctioneering skills.
He recently started his own business,
American Auction Services, LLC, and signed his first contract to help raise
funds for the Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area.
“This has been a lifelong dream of mine,” said
Lawrence. “I took Leading Edge to find
out what it takes to run a business. My
auctioneer instructor told me that I will be first a businessman, second a
salesman and thirdly an auctioneer. I
grew up attending auctions with my dad and my uncle. My focus will be on all types of auctions,
including the online service for people who might just want to sell one or two
items.” Lawrence explained that the main
types of auctions fall into the categories of livestock, charity, real estate,
estate sales, house hold and farm machinery.

Lawrence may be reached at either 719-589-2607 or
He is thankful to his dad,
Larry, for encouraging him to pursue these dreams and teaching him a good work ethic.
He is grateful for his teachers and for the
SBDC’s assistance (589-3682).
He also
learned a lot from the instructors at the auctioneer school.
Now that he has these graduation milestones
behind him, he is looking forward to making a living as a professional doing
something that he loves to do while providing a service to the community.